Monday, February 22, 2016

I & III Year Lettorato Inglese - Second Semester

Dear students,

My lessons will start again on Tuesday, March 8. Class times and locations will be the same as in the first semester. For your reference I am re-posting the information below the dashed line.

My next ricevimento will be on Thursday, March 3 from 1:30 – 3:00pm.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!
-N. Peterson-More


I YEAR Lettorato

martedì:  14:30 – 16:30 – Aula V (Villa Mirafiori)
giovedì:  10:30 -12:30 – Aula V  (Villa Mirafiori)

Ricevimento: martedì 11:30-12:30; giovedì 13:30 -14:30 – Stanza lettori d'inglese, accanto all'aula III


III YEAR Lettorato
– Students with 18-23 / 30 in  II year lettorato exam 
(written and oral mark only, NOT the average of lettorato and lingua)

martedì:  12:30 – 14:30 – Aula XIII (Villa Mirafiori)
giovedì:  14:30 -16:30 – Aula VII (Villa Mirafiori)

Ricevimento: martedì 11:30-12:30; giovedì 13:30 -14:30 – Stanza lettori d'inglese, accanto all'aula III