Monday, December 21, 2015

Office hours (Ricevimento) Tuesday, December 22 -

Dear students, I will be in my office Tuesday, December 21, from 2:30 to 4:00pm and possibly even later than that.

Please note my office is in the "stanza dei lettori d'inglese" next to Aula 3.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Office hours (Ricevimento) Today -

Dear students, I will be in my office today, Friday, December 18, from 12:45 onward. I will definitely be there until 4:00pm and probably even later than that.

Please note my office is in the "stanza dei lettori d'inglese" next to Aula 3.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

III Year Lettorato 1st Semester Class Test ("esonero")

Below is the list of students who are eligible for the 1st semester in-class written test.

Abdipour, Atefeh
* Albarjami, Endrit
Ammoscato, Chiara
Antonioli, Luca
Aurizi, Veronica
Barone, Valentina
Bellano, Maria Grazia
Bernile, Giada
Bianchi, Giulia
* Bolanos, Takashi
Bozzelli, Giovanna Fausta
Casale, Veronica
Castrucci, Carola
Castrucci, Giulia
D'Agnano, Camilla
Dalisay, Lorena
* Dancu, Alexandra
De Angelis, Maria Laura
De Santis, Luca
Dell'Aquila, Michele
Di Tullio, Ambra
* Diego, Nicola
Durand Herrera, Erick
Filizzola, Elisa
Flamini, Martina
* Fortuna, Luana
Franciolini, Ivan
* Gentile, Alessia
Grillo, Giuseppina
Illiano, Giulia
Ingafu Del Monaco, Federica
Iuè, Andrea
La Porta, Valeria
Leone, Elisa
* Lykhoden, Yana
Macciocca, Giulia
Magnotta, Chiara
Marchetti, Rosamaria
Masci, Giada
* Mollica, Mara
Morgia, Martina
Mulargia, Elisa
Nicolucci, Desy
Penta, Giada
Polito, Noemi
Pulicani, Valentina
Romualdo, Martina
* Santelli, Carlotta
* Sciarrini, Pier Paolo
Tagliavini, Tatiana
Tozaj, Gentiana
Vera, Ivan
* Vescovo, Lucrezia
Wang, Sijia
Zanfini, Elisabetta

* If there is a star next to your name, it means you have been admitted "con riserva." In that case you are required to speak with me in my office immediately after the test on Thursday, December 17. If you would like to meet before the test, you may come to my office hours from 1:30 to 2:15 pm. In that case please send me an email to let me know ahead of time.

Monday, December 14, 2015

I Year Lettorato 1st Semester Class Test ("esonero")

Below is the list of students who are eligible for the 1st semester in-class written test.

Benigni, Martina
*  Bobeico, Anastasia
Candela, Antonella
Caragnano, Natasha
Cecilia, Chiara
Cianci, Francesca
*  Cipolla, Anastasia
Corea, Roberta
Corbo Gerardo, Antonio
Corvasce, Silvia
Crielesi, Luciana
De Almeida Fernandes, Jessica
De Angelis, Letizia
De Carlo, Noemi
De Cesari, Giorgia
De Lucia, Chiara
De Rubeis, Silvia
*  De Santis, Matisse
De Silli, Clarissa
De Stefano, Alessandra
*  De Vincenzi, Giacomo
Del Duca, Giovanna
Del Vecchio, Martina
*  Del Vescovo, Elia
D'elia, Giulia
Della Vecchia, Martina
Denaro, Maria Cristina
Derviskadic, Maximilian
Dessì, Eleonora
Di Bari, Sara
Di Benedetto, Giacomo
Di Benedetto, Sara
Di Carlo, Giulia
Di Carmine, Elena
Di Cello, Andrea
Di Domenicantonio, Giacomo
Di Francia, Massimiliano
Di Guardo, Benedetta
Di Maio, Giorgio
Di Meo, Miriam
Di Paolo, Serena
Di Tomasso, Marta
Di Valentino, Elisa
Di Vico, Gianluigi
D'Indinosante, Paolo
Distasi, Angelo
Dita, Gabriela
Do Rosario Ramos, Liliana Patricia
Domanico, Francesca
Donati, Valentina
D'Ubaldo, Benedetta
Durovic, Teodora
Duse, Federico
El Hachemi, Anisa
Erasmi, Andrea
* Esposito, Brunella
Evangelisti, Gloria
Filippova, Viktoriya
Galli, Claudia
Lin, Jingjing
Paccassoni, Ilaria
Potitò, Debora
Proietti, Asia
Rendina, Virginia
Ronci, Antea
Scilletta, Sara
Staroccia, Carlo
Tranquilli, Alisia
Zaluska, Magdalena

* If there is a star next to your name, it means you have been admitted "con riserva." In that case you are required to speak with me in my office on Thursday, December 17, between 1:30 and 2:15pm, or after 4:30pm. If you would like to meet before 1:30, please send me an email, and I will try to accommodate your request.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I Year Lettorato

For our last lesson tomorrow, be sure to bring the “Extra One” course reader (“dispensa”) for Lettorato Inglese I. In case you do not have it, the reader is available at the photocopy center in Villa Mirafiori. Get it tomorrow morning BEFORE our lesson.

The full title is “Materiale Didattico Anno Accademico 2015-2016 Lettorato Inglese I Extra one.”


In addition to the homework exercises assigned in class on Dec. 3, make sure you have done the following exercises from “Extra one” just mentioned :

- The cloze exercises on p. 5, p. 18, pp. 21-22.
- The reading comprehension on pp. 43-45.

Friday, December 4, 2015

I Year Lettorato

Information about the first semester class test (“esonero”):

The test will have two main parts. The first part is based on grammar and the second is reading comprehension.

In part 1 (GRAMMAR), there are two exercises.

The first exercise consists of several sentences that you will have to read. Many of the sentences will have an error (or possibly two errors). You will read each sentence, and decide if it is completely correct, or not. Tick the sentences that are correct. Correct the sentences that are wrong. We have done many exercises like this in our coursebook, English File Digital Intermediate. A recent example is exercise 2b on p. 195.

The second grammar exercise is a CLOZE EXERCISE. This consists of a short text (approximately three paragraphs) with certain words removed. You have to complete the text by writing one word in each empty space. The words will NOT be given in a separate table; you must think and supply the missing word based on your knowledge. English File does not have exercises exactly like this, but there are many examples in the course reader (“dispensa”) for Lettorato Inglese I, which is available at the photocopy center in Villa Mirafiori.

As mentioned at our first lessons, the full title of the reader is “Materiale Didattico Anno Accademico 2015-2016 Lettorato Inglese I Extra one.” If you do not yet have the reader, make sure to get it now.

Examples of cloze exercises are on p. 5 (on the bottom half of the page), p. 18, pp. 21-22. (There are also many more examples in the reader).

In part 2 (READING COMPREHENSION) there will be a different text to read (longer than the cloze exercise) followed by reading comprehension questions to answer. The first group of questions will be related to vocabulary words in the text (you will have to match certain words to their synonyms). The second group of questions will be about the contents of the reading text, and you will have to write your answers.

A good example of the reading comprehension section is on pp. 43-45 of the “Extra one” reader.

On pp. 3-5 there is another reading comprehension exercise, but the format is different from the one on our test. However, it is still good for practice.



Before our next lesson on Thursday, December 10, please do the following exercises from “Extra one” just mentioned (in addition to the homework exercises assigned in class on Dec. 3):

- The cloze exercises on p. 5, p. 18, pp. 21-22.
- The reading comprehension on pp. 43-45.

Monday, November 30, 2015

III Year Lettorato

REMINDER – No lesson tomorrow (Dec. 1). Our class has been cancelled to accommodate the exam being held in room 13 during our usual lesson time.

REMINDER 2 – our 1st semester class test (only for frequentanti) will be on Thursday, Dec. 17 during our regular class time.

I Year Lettorato

REMINDER – our 1st semester class test (only for frequentanti) will be on Tuesday, Dec. 15, in aula 5 during our regular class time.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

III Year Lettorato Reading Questions

Article by Michele Lent Hirsch:
“You needn’t crave revenge after attacks like those in Paris. I didn’t after 9/11”

(Sub-title: “After living through a traumatic event and seeing enough death and carnage, it’s reasonable to have a pacifist response”)

Please write answers to the following questions. Answer the questions with complete sentences.

From paragraph 1:
1) What are “low-stakes situations”?
2) What is “the urge to get back at someone?”

From paragraph 3:
3) Define “disinterest.”
4) What is the meaning of the expression “to come at a remove”?

From paragraph 4:
5) What is the purpose or function of the 4th paragraph of the article?
6) What is PTSD?

 From paragraphs 5 & 6:
7) What is the meaning of “puzzlement”?
8) What is puzzling to the author of the article and other people she knows?

From paragraph 7:
9) What does the author mean by “the overall mangled-ness of our species”?
10) What kind of word is “mangled-ness”? Is it a standard English word?

From paragraph 8:
11) Define the expression “to strike back” and the term “cringe.”

From paragraph 9:
12) What does it mean to “take solace in” something?
13) What is the meaning of a “pointed question”? How would you characterize the use of language in that expression?

14) Write a one-sentence summary of the main idea of the article.
15) Finally, do you agree with the author’s opinion? Why or why not?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

III Year Lettorato -







Vecchissimo ordinamento Laurea Quadriennale - III & IV anno

Martedì 1 dicembre* 2015. Ore 11,30. Aule XIII,V.M.

*Please note: The date of the exam has been corrected (from the original blog post), and I confirm: The exam date is TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 (NOT THURSDAY DEC. 3).

Si prenota per l'esame scritto via email. 

Studenti con i cognomi A-C  

Studenti con i cognomi D –L

studenti con i cognomi  M- Z . 

Specificare cognome, nome, numero  di  matricola e corso  di  laurea. 

Ogni email di prenotazione avrà una risposta che dovrà essere stampata e portata all'esame insieme al "libretto giallo" o la pagina "infostud" che attesta il superamento del II anno di lingua e lettorato.

Si prenota l'esame esclusivamente dal giorno 14 novembre al giorno 28 novembre entro le ore 13.00 e non oltre.

Non sarà possibile accettare prenotazioni che saranno inviate al di fuori del periodo delle 2 settimane previste ed oltre l'orario indicato. Tali prenotazioni non avranno risposta e non potranno essere accettate.

Friday, November 13, 2015

III Year Lettorato

The Jennifer Pudney book is now available at Feltrinelli International.

Earlier today I spoke with a representative at the bookshop, and he assured that they currently have approximately 20 copies of the book already in the shop and available for sale. They have ordered an additional 50 copies, which should be there by Monday or Tuesday of next week.

Please get the book as soon as possible. Not only will you need it for studying at home, but we will also be using it extensively in class, both in the remainder of the first semester and also in the second semester. I expect you all to bring it to our next lesson on Tuesday.

Again, the title of Pudney's book is Written English for Advanced Learners.

Also, be sure you go to Feltrinelli INTERNATIONAL, Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, 86. Do NOT go the regular Feltrinelli store which is also on via Orlando.

Monday, November 9, 2015

III Year Lettorato -- Textbook for Translations

Dear students, please buy the following textbook before our lesson this Thursday Nov. 12:

Jennifer Pudney. Written English for Advanced Learners. This text will be very useful in order to prepare for the translations on our tests at the end of each semester.

The book is available at Feltrinelli International on Via Orlando (near Piazza della Repubblica) and costs 20 euros. It will NOT be available at the photocopy center in Villa Mirafiori.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I Year Lettorato

Below is the HOMEWORK to do before our next lesson on Tuesday, November 10.

- pp. 20-22 do EVERYTHING; pg. 23 read "Can You Understand this Text?" and do exercises a, b, and c
- pg. 184 EVERYTHING
- Review Grammar explanations on pp. 132-135
- Study pg. 136 and do exercises a & b
- pp. 185-186 EVERYTHING
- pp. 24-25 Read the "Top Gear Challenge" and do exercises 3a, 3b, 3c, & 3d

III Year Lettorato

Below is the HOMEWORK to do before our next lesson on Tuesday, November 10.

- Review previous readings on pp. 3-32;
- Read pp. 32-41* But please note the following: on pages 34 & 35 you are NOT required to read the sub-sections "Complement" (pg. 34) and "Adverbials" (pg. 35); so you can skip the 2nd half of pg. 34 & the 1st half of pg. 35; on p. 39 read ONLY the sub-section "Relative clauses"); you are NOT required to do the activities and can skip them while reading the assigned pages.

Grammar Scan: do pp. 72-74

Vince: Study pp. 21-22; do exercises 1-8 on pp. 23-27

Sentence Translations: 21-25

Sunday, November 1, 2015

III Year Lettorato -






Vecchissimo ordinamento Laurea Quadriennale - III & IV anno
Martedì 1 dicembre* 2015. Ore 11,30. Aule XIII,V.M.

*Please note: The date of the exam has been corrected, and I confirm: The exam date is TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 (NOT THURSDAY DEC. 3).

Si prenota per l'esame scritto via email. 

Studenti con i cognomi A-C  

Studenti con i cognomi D –L

studenti con i cognomi  M- Z . 

Specificare cognome, nome, numero  di  matricola e corso  di  laurea. 

Ogni email di prenotazione avrà una risposta che dovrà essere stampata e portata all'esame insieme al "libretto giallo" o la pagina "infostud" che attesta il superamento del II anno di lingua e lettorato.

Si prenota l'esame esclusivamente dal giorno 14 novembre al giorno 28 novembre entro le ore 13.00 e non oltre.

Non sarà possibile accettare prenotazioni che saranno inviate al di fuori del periodo delle 2 settimane previste ed oltre l'orario indicato. Tali prenotazioni non avranno risposta e non potranno essere accettate.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lettorato I -

Homework to do for our next lesson on Thursday, October 29:

- pg. 16, exercise 5;
- pg. 17, read the text "The Millionaire with a Secret" and do exercises 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e, and 6f; 
- pg. 179, exercise 1c
- study pg. 135.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

III YEAR Lettorato
REMINDER about Texts & Homework –

The following materials are now available at the photocopy center in Villa Mirafiori:

1)  Course reader (dispensa), prepared by Prof. HILLAN.
2) Sara Thorne. Mastering Advanced English Language, Second Edition. Palgrave, 2008.
3) Michael Swan & David Baker. Grammar Scan. O.U.P.
4) Michael Vince. Advanced Language Practice (with key). Macmillan, 2003.

The HOMEWORK to do for lesson #4 (Thursday, October 22) is as follows:

- Vince, pg. 3, exercises 1 &2,
- Vince, pg. 6, exercise 7
- Sentence translations, sentences  6-10
- Thorne, read pp. 3-13.

Monday, October 12, 2015

III YEAR Lettorato
– students with 18 - 23/30 in  II year lettorato  exam 
(written and oral mark only, NOT the average of lettorato  and lingua)

martedì   12:30 – 14:30 – Aula XIII ,V.M.
giovedì   14:30 -16:30 – Aula VII, V.M.
Ricevimento: martedì 11:30-12:30; giovedì 13:30 -14:30 – Stanza lettori d'inglese, accanto all'aula III

COURSE PROGRAMME (also in the Guida Anglistica)
The course aims to further develop the four skills to C1 level with particular emphasis on writing, the comparative analysis of the Italian and English grammar systems and discourse analysis being its main components. At the end of the course students are expected to be able to apply their grammar knowledge to producing correct English versions of Italian texts, completing cloze texts
and structural transformation exercises. They will also write a brief academic essay based on the linguistic analysis of an advertisement. Sixteen hours of self-study listening tasks in the language laboratory are compulsory. Students are expected to do a considerable amount of work as preparation for lessons. Every two-hour lesson requires at least two hours of preparation as private
study. Students will also be required to complete 2 assignments, one in the first and one in the second semester. To be eligible for the exemption test 75%of lessons must be attended. Please consult blogs (see below) for a more detailed description of the course and the exam format.

Sara Thorne. Mastering Advanced English Language, Second Edition. Palgrave, 2008. (Selected chapters).*
Michael Swan. Practical English Usage, Third Edition, O.U.P.
Michael Swan & David Baker. Grammar Scan. O.U.P.
ADDITIONAL TEXTS for Students in Group C3:
For the students attending my course I have indicated the following ADDITIONAL texts:
- III Year Lettorato Course Reader (dispensa), prepared by Prof. HILLAN, available at the Villa Mirafiori photocopy center.*
- Ruth Gairns & Stuart Redman. Oxford Word Skills, Advanced. O.U.P (selected chapters).
- Angela Goddard. The Language of Advertising, Second Edition. Routledge, 2002.
- Jennifer Pudney. Written English for Advanced Learners. (Available at Feltrinelli International on Via Orlando, near Piazza della Repubblica). 
- Michael Vince. Advanced Language Practice (with key). Macmillan, 2003.*

* The texts indicated with an asterisk are currently available at the photocopy center in Villa Mirafiori. Other texts may also become available in the future.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Welcome to the Peterson-More at La Sapienza blog!

The blog is currently under construction. Please check back soon...