Sunday, March 29, 2020

Year & III Year Lettorato Inglese -- corsi di Peterson-More -- ONLINE COURSES

In the spring 2020 semester I am using Google Classroom and will be doing video lessons with Webex or Google Meet. (My hope and intention was to use Webex, but I am having some trouble with my account, so I may switch to Google Meet). Attendance in the video lessons is not obligatory, but it is recommended.

The first lessons will be on Monday, March 30.
Please check this blog and/or my Google Classrooms later today for more information.

Considering the limits of video lessons, self-study will be an essential component of all lettorato courses even more than in the past.

For that reason, Google Classroom is a great tool because it allows me to upload all course-related materials in one place. I have already uploaded many materials and will continue to do so in the days and weeks to come. Please enroll in my Google Classrooms as soon as possible.

For students interested in my Lettorato I course (lettorato inglese sezione 1B): iscriversi al gruppo in autonomia utilizzando l’applicazione Classroom presente nella sua suite di posta elettronica istituzionale. 
(Classroom -> Iscriviti al corso)

STEP 1: Sign in to your Sapienza email account.
STEP 2: Once inside your email account, look at the top right-hand corner of the screen. There you will find an image of 9 dots arranged in a square; click on that.
STEP 3: A smaller window will open with all of the Google apps inside. Scroll all the way down to the bottom, and click on “Classroom”.
STEP 4: Your “Classroom” home page will then open. At the top right-hand corner, click on the plus (+) sign.
STEP 5: A small window will open with 2 options. Click on “Iscriviti al corso”.
STEP 6: In the new window, type or paste the course code (see below), and then click “Iscriviti”.

codice Google Classroom per lettorato inglese 1B7qsquk4
Nathanial Peterson-More, Lettorato I, sezione 1B

For students interested in my Lettorato III course (lettorato inglese sezione 3C): iscriversi al gruppo in autonomia utilizzando l’applicazione Classroom presente nella sua suite di posta elettronica istituzionale.
(Classroom -> Iscriviti al corso)

STEP 1: Sign in to your Sapienza email account.
STEP 2: Once inside your email account, look at the top right-hand corner of the screen. There you will find an image of 9 dots arranged in a square; click on that.
STEP 3: A smaller window will open with all of the Google apps inside. Scroll all the way down to the bottom, and click on “Classroom”.
STEP 4: Your “Classroom” home page will then open. At the top right-hand corner, click on the plus (+) sign.
STEP 5: A small window will open with 2 options. Click on “Iscriviti al corso”.
STEP 6: In the new window, type or paste the course code (see below), and then click “Iscriviti”.

codice Google Classroom per lettorato inglese 3Cmve33ev
Nathanial Peterson-More, Lettorato III, sezione 3C

Please join your class as soon as possible. I would like to have a complete list of all the students following the course with me on 'Classroom.' ALL STUDENTS ARE WELCOME -- students who followed my lessons in the first semester, and also students who did not!

Students who are repeating the course and exam are also welcome.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

ALL UNIVERSITY LESSONS CANCELED from March 5 through March 15. My next lessons are scheduled for Monday, March 16.

Dear students,

As you probably know, all university lessons are canceled from March 5 through to March 15 as a precaution against the coronavirus. I have just received confirmation of this news from the university.

Therefore, my lessons will begin again on Monday, March 16.

That same day, March 16, I will also hold office hours (ricevimento studenti), during my regular time from 1:30 to 3:30 in stanza 203.