Sunday, February 25, 2018

UPDATE - VISIONE ESONERI - III Year Lettorato Inglese, Course 3A 

Dear students:
As you are probably aware, the Rettore has declared that all lessons, exams, and didactic activities, will be suspended tomorrow, Monday Feb. 26, due to the weather conditions.

Therefore, we will have to postpone the meeting to look over the first semester class test.

Assuming the university will be open again on Wednesday, February 28, we can do it during the first lesson of my lettorato 3 course in the second semester: Feb. 28, 11.00-13.00 in room 003. All students who regularly attended my course in the first semester are invited (surnames A-Z).

III Year Lettorato Inglese, Course 3A

Dear students:

As you know, English lettorato course 3A will be split in the second semester into two groups (for more information, see the previous post)

The official start date for my course will be Wednesday, February 28, in room 003 from 11:00-1:00pm. Originally I had hoped to start Monday, February 26, but I recently suffered an ankle sprain and am still not able to walk properly.

With that said, on Monday February 26, the students from Prof. Hillan’s group (those with surnames A-L) are invited to see their written class tests (visionare l'esonero) from the first semester. This will take place with me in room T02 from 2:00-3:00pm.

III Year Lettorato Inglese, Course 3A - Group Division

Dear students,

In the second semester, third year English lettorato course 3A (the course taught by Prof. Peterson-More during the first semester) will be split into two smaller groups according to student surnames:
A-L (Group 1); and M-Z (Group 2).

Group 1 (surnames A-L) will now attend lessons with Prof. Maria Hillan, with the following timetable:
Tuesdays 13.00-15.00 & Fridays 11.00-13.00.
You may refer to Prof. Hillan’s blog for further information:

Group 2 (surnames M-Z) will continue to attend with Prof. Peterson-More, in the same timetable as the first semester:

Mondays 13.00-15.00 (room T02)  &
Wednesdays 11.00-13.00 (room 003)

This change has been made due to the large number of third year English lettorato students – and the large size of group 3A, in particular – and is consistent with the division of the third year English lingua & traduzione courses.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I Year Lettorato Inglese -- Peterson-More 2017-2018 – Results First Semester Class Test (“esonero”) + Second Semester Start Date
Dear students: As you surely know, the lessons in the second semester start again the week of February 26. The first lesson in our course will be Wednesday, February 28, at 5:00-7:00pm in room T01, Ex poste / Marco Polo.

Please find below the results of the 1st semester class test. At our first lesson on Feb. 28 we will have the opportunity to look at the test together, so that you can see the parts you did well and also your mistakes.

Angeletti, Claudia             22.5
Astore, Antonia                24
Cannata, Olinda                18
* Cardinali, Chiara            25
Ciani, Serena                      24
Di Buono, Silvana             21
Di Castri, Simona              Insuff.
Di Giulio, Chiara                24
Di Maulo, Ilaria                  Insuff.
* Di Natale, Carla              19
Di Nisio, Johnathan         25
* Di Pasquale, Alessandra             24.5
Domenici, Noemi             24
Droghetti, Veronica         Insuff.
Duca, Michela                    24
Egidi, Eleonora                  Insuff.
* Eisazadeh Saravani, Powyan     22.5
Enea, Francesca                24
Esposito, Martina             25.5
Fabbri, Alessandro          27
Fabrini, Chiara                   24.5
Fanella, Eleonora             25
Fanini, Sara                         22
Fazi, Rafaella                      18
Ferdinandi, Giulia             22.5
Fiacco, Giulia                      24.5
Fiorellino, Federica          28
Formisani, Alessia            Insuff.
Frascà, Martina                 18
Freire Ramalho, Mariana               19
Frezza, Gloria                     19.5
Galfano, Luana                  Insuff.  
* Gallina, Antonio            27
Giacinti, Giulia                   27
Giuliani, Beatrice              Insuff.
Gizzi, Elisa                            28
Grassi, Chiara                     21
* Guzzi, Francesco           22
* Hurski, Yamor                 Insuff.
Ibrahim, Hager                  Insuff.
Lupo, Lorenza                    27
Makaj, Adea                       23
Mosquera, Nicolas           26
Panaite, Andra Stefania                 27.5
Pirchio, Carmela               27
Santilli, Asia                        22.5
Strippoli, Giusy                  21.5

Saturday, February 17, 2018

I Year Lettorato Inglese Full Exam (Jan. 22, 2018)

Oral Exams Friday, February 23, 10:30-12:00.
Sede Marco Polo (Ex poste), Sala Anglistica rooms 207 / 208.

+ Visione dei compiti (for those who did not pass the written exam)
Friday, February 23, 12:00-13:30

Dear Students:

As you know, in the winter exam session, students with surnames in the range 
Jebali – Minichelli are with me.

In this group, the following students have passed the written exam and are therefore admitted to the oral on Friday, February 23, starting at 10:30am at sede Marco Polo:

Jebali, Ameni
Loffredi, Silvia           
Macari, Giovanni                   
Marenghi, Aurora      
Minichelli, Laura       

N.B.  All students must bring the following items to the oral exam:

(1) the book you have read for the oral exam 
(2) your notes/list of vocabulary words from your reading
(3) your identity document 
(4) The "libretto giallo" for anglistica (available at the "centro fotocopie mirafiori" both at Villa Mirafiori & at the Citta Universitaria).

If any of you need or want to reschedule your exam for another day, one alternative could be this coming Wednesday, February 21, during my usual office hours, 14:45-16:45.
Otherwise, you may email me to request a separate appointment. 

Please email me also if you have any questions about the oral exam, or the book you have chosen:

All other students in the range Jebali – Minichelli unfortunately did not pass the written exam. If you are one of those students, I strongly encourage you to come see your exam paper (visionare il compito), from 12:00 to 1:30, on Friday February 23, or during any of my regular office hours: Wednesdays 14:45-16:45. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

III Year Lettorato Inglese Full Exam (Jan. 25, 2018)

Oral Exams Friday, February 16, 10:30-12:30.
Sede Marco Polo (Ex poste), Sala Anglistica rooms 207 / 208.

+ Visione dei compiti (for those who did not pass the written exam)
Friday, February 16, 12:30-13:30

Dear Students:

As you know, in the winter exam session, students with surnames in the range 
Cutraro – Ottaviani are with me.

Of those students, the following have passed the written exam and are therefore admitted to the oral on Friday, February 16, starting at 10:30am at sede Marco Polo:

Cutraro, Marianna      
D’Alessio, Bianca      
Denguir, Sara             
Di Cintio, Ludovica   
Di Giovanni, Giulia   
Durante, Giulia                      
Maturo, Annalisa       
Mauri, Erika               
Micheli, Michela        

If any of you need or want to reschedule your exam for another day, one alternative could be this coming Wednesday, February 14, during my usual office hours, 14:45-16:45.
Otherwise, you may email me to request a separate appointment (for any changes, priority will be given to laureandi):

All other students in the range Cutraro – Ottaviani unfortunately did not pass the written exam. If you are one of those students, I invite you to come see your exam paper (visionare il compito), from 12:30 to 1:30, on Friday February 16, or during any of my regular office hours: Wednesdays 14:45-16:45.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Ricevimento cancellato --

Per motivi di famiglia ho dovuto cancellare il mio ricevimento studenti (office hours) mercoledì 7 febbraio.

Il prossimo ricevimento si terrà mercoledì 14 febbraio nel solito orario: 14.45 - 16.45.