Thursday, November 29, 2018

Year Lettorato Inglese (Peterson-More)

Dear students,
Below is homework to do before our next lesson, on Monday, December 3:

- PP. 198-199 FINISH ALL
- PP. 47-49 ALL (TAPESCRIPTS ON PP. 125-126)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

II Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 2E (Peterson-More)

Dear students,

Below is homework to do before our next lesson, on Monday, December 3.

pp. 40-41 finish all
pp. 42-43 finish all
p. 191 all
pp. 198-200 all
p. 141 study the grammar + exercise “b” numbers 1-6
- Bring your rubricas to class on Monday

Review the grammar lessons on pp. 132-140. Make note of any questions you have and bring them to class.

II Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 2E (Peterson-More)


Dear students,

Next Tuesday, December 4, our lesson will be in room 106, NOT room 003.

Monday, November 26, 2018

II Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 2E (Peterson-More)

Dear students,

Below is homework to do before our next lesson, on Tuesday, November 27.

- pp. 195-197 all
- p. 39 ex 2a
- p. 42, Vocabulary exercises “a-e”
- p. 140 study the grammar + do exercise “a”
- Bring your rubricas to class tomorow

Review the grammar lessons on pp. 132-139. Make note of any questions you have and bring them to class tomorrow..

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

II Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 2E (Peterson-More)

Dear students,

Below is homework to do before our next lesson, on Monday, November 26.

- pp. 192-194, complete ALL
- p. 139, study the grammar & do exercise “a”
- p. 156 ALL
- Watch these two video clips:

- Answer the following questions: 

What do you understand from these videos? What is the main idea or what are the main ideas?

What similarities and differences do you notice between the two videos?

The first video clip mentions the “extreme consequences of a warming world” and specifically names four of them. What are they?

What do you think the 2.7 degree threshold is?

What would be cheaper than dealing with the worst effects of climate change?

Both videos talk about “political will.” What does that expression mean or refer to?

What is the “near revolutionary change” mentioned in the second video?

According to Gavin Schmidt what is “running out”?

According to Rafe Pomerance, what are some of the areas that world leaders need to “step up in”?

Why does Rafe Pomerance mention tax? What do you think he is referring to?

What does Gavin Schmidt say about the best time or times to reduce emissions?

What reasons, if any, do Schmidt and Pomerance offer against despair? In other words do they give any reasons to be optimistic?
What did you learn from the two videos and/or by doing this activity that you didn't know before?

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 as the minimum and 10 as the maximum), how interested are you in environmental issues? And how concerned are you about the future of life on our planet?

Monday, November 19, 2018

II Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 2E (Peterson-More)
Dear students,

Below is the link to the article we started in class toda, and the rest of the homework to complete by tomorrow.

CNN - "Airline etiquette in the not-so-friendly skies"

- Finish reading the  article and choose at least 5 words (5 or more) to add to your rubrica. Bring your rubrica to class tomorrow 
- p. 138, study the grammar rules again and do exercise b
- p. 165, test yourself on all the verbs. Mark how many verbs you got right and many mistakes you made 

OPTIONAL - For those students who are interested, here is the link to the other article I mentioned in class today.

The Atlantic – "How the Democrats Won"
In this year’s elections, many voters in previously red America supported candidates across racial, socioeconomic, and cultural lines.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Lettorato Inglese -- Group 2E

Dear students,
Our lesson will begin a little late today, at 13.30.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

II Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 2E (Peterson-More)

Dear students, it was difficult for me to choose only one article for you. Instead, I am including links to several different articles. Please choose any one of the articles, and read it. Use a dictionary to look up the words you don't know (and choose at least 5 words from the article to write in your rubrica. Then write a short summary of the article  (one or two paragraphs).
You could begin as follows, "This article is about..."
Explain what the main point or points of the article is/are.

BBC - "Mid-term elections: How the rest of the world saw it"

Los Angeles Times - "Election turnout broke records, and as the count continues, Democrats' prospects improve"

PBS Newshour - "5 things we learned from the midterm elections"

PBS Newshour - "Shields and Brooks on midterm results and GOP ‘lockstep loyalty’ to Trump" (interview and video)

Politico - "7 takeaways from a wild midterm election"

Politico - "The Biggest Surprises of the 2018 Midterms"

ABC News "5 key takeaways from midterm elections"

ABC News - "Key exit poll takeaways: Voters negative on Trump, most interested in health care, immigration" (article with video)

Friday, November 9, 2018

II Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 2E (Peterson-More)

Dear students,

Here are the links to the two articles we read in class this past Tuesday, November 6.
Please finish reading them. If you have questions about anything in the articles, pease write them down, so you can ask me on class next week.

Later today or tomorrow I will add another article to read.

The Washington Post
"What are the midterm elections?"

TIME Magazine: "Why Do Midterm Elections Even Exist? Here's Why the Framers Scheduled Things This  Way"