Friday, June 21, 2019

AVVISO DEL DOTT. EDWARD LYNCH per i suoi studenti:

Ricevimento studenti domani 22 giugno dalle 9.30 alle 11.00 (presso la stanza 203).
I miei ricevimenti successivi saranno il 3, 4, 5 e 8 luglio dalle 10.00 (stanza 203). 

Per quanto riguarda gli risultati degli scritti e le date degli orali scrivo direttamente agli studenti interessati.

Edward Lynch

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Visione dei compiti scritti -- tutti gli studenti con Peterson-More: Lettorato 1 & Lettorato 2, sia frequentanti sia non frequentanti

Friday, June 21, 16.30-17.30
Monday, June 24, 9.00-10.30

If you intend to see your written exam either on June 21 or June 24, YOU MUST EMAIL ME AT LEAST ONE DAY BEFOREHAND (24 hours in advance) TO CONFIRM YOUR PRESENCE:

II Year Lettorato Inglese  Full Exam (June 10,  2019)
Oral Exam PLUS make-up exams (sessione di recupero) for students who missed previous exam appointments.
Thursday, June 20, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Dear students:

As you know, in this exam session, students with surnames (cognomi) in the range Ciardello – Di Vico are with me. The oral exams will begin on Thursday, June 20, at 9:00am.

The following students are admitted to the oral exam for lettorato 2 and the sessione di recupero for other exams:

N.B. All other lettorato 2 students in the range Ciardello - Di Vico (those whose names are not written below) unfortunately did not pass the written exam. 
Later today I will post a day and time in which you can see your written exam (visionare il compito scritto).

Cifarelli, Alice
De Bartolo, Chiara
De Lorenzo, Maria Irene
Del Vecchio, Chiara
Di Bartolomeo, Barbara
Iommi, Sofia
Ismail, Mohamed Ali, Noha
Mercoliano, Silvia
Micheli, Alice
Mocanu, Gianina
Kojani, Kiara

Di Giosia, Lorenzo

Sunday, June 16, 2019

I Year Lettorato Inglese  Full Exam (June 10,  2019)

Oral Exam Instructions

Dear students:

As you know, in this exam session, students with surnames (cognomi) in the range I – Mocanu are with me. The following students have passed the written exam and are therefore admitted to the oral 
exam on Tuesday, June 18, starting at 9:30am.

Stanza 203, sede Marco Polo/Ex poste

N.B. All other students in the range I - Mocanu (those whose names are not written below) unfortunately did not pass the written exam. 
Later this week I will post a day and time in which you can see your written exam (visionare il compito scritto).

Ilic, Sonja
Iommi, Sofia
Ismail Mohamed Ali, Noha

Khajavi, Mahsa
Lomnicka, Patrycja
Lucas Cazoria, Arianna Itzel

Magnotti, Marialisa
Mahmoud, Sara
Maiorano, Alice

Marcelli, Francesca
Marcelli, Lorenza
Marescalco, Matteo

Meo, Tommaso
Mercoliano, Silvia
Micheli, Alice

Mienandi, Jelvie Francesca
Mocanu, Gianina

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

UPDATED II Year Lettorato Inglese  Full Exam (June 10,  2019)
Oral Exam Instructions

Dear students:

As you know, in this exam session, students with surnames (cognomi) in the range Ciardello – Di Vico are with me. The oral exams will begin on Thursday, June 20. As soon as your written exam papers have all been corrected, I WILL PUBLISH ON THIS BLOG the list of students admitted to the oral exam, along with an appointment (date and time).

Below are the instructions for the oral exam.

Each student is expected to have chosen and read a book from the list below. (To be very clear: you MUST choose a book from the reading list below). In the oral exam we will talk about the book and elements of the language/vocabulary used in the book.

While reading the book, I expect you to compile a list of vocabulary words (approximately 50 words or more) you have learned from this book. You MUST bring the list of vocabulary words to the oral exam.

I strongly suggest you record all vocabulary words in a ‘rubrica’ so that the words are organized by their first letter. This is like compiling a personal dictionary, which you can keep to consult and review in the future. This ‘personal dictionary’ can also grow with you over time: after this exam you can continue to add new words from other sources (books you read, lettorato lessons etc.) to the same rubrica.

While reading, prepare your list of vocabulary words (choose 50 words or more) from the book you have chosen. These should be new vocabulary words you did not know before and/or important or key terms that recur in the book and are central to understanding the major themes and interpreting the messages and meanings in the text. For each vocabulary word, be sure to include the essential elements (steps a, b, c, and d).

(a) the word;
(b) the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc.);
(c) a definition or synonym(s) IN ENGLISH (use a monolingual dictionary or thesaurus);
(d) the page number where you found the word, along with an abbreviation of the book title in parentheses. E.g. page 25 of the first book of the Harry Potter series could be abbreviated as follows (pg. 25; HP1).

(e) [optional] It is also a good idea (but not mandatory) to write an example sentence using the word (you could simply copy the sentence from the book). This will help you to remember the meaning of the word by seeing it in context.
(f) [optional] Finally, if you want to also include the Italian translation, you may write that at the very end of your entry



The Talented Mr. Ripley – Patricia Highsmith.

Eleonor Oliphant is completely fine – Gail Honeyman.

Siddartha Herman Hesse.

The Midwich Cuckoos – John Wyndham.

Defying Hitler – Sebastian Haffner.

Northern Lights – Philip Pullman.

Emma – Jane Austen.

Pompei – Robert Harris.

Primary Colors – Anonymous (Joe Klein).

Steppenwolf – Hermann Hesse.

Long Day's Journey Into Night – Eugene O'Neill.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams.

Year Lettorato Inglese & II Year Lettorato inglese (Peterson-More) -- 2nd semester class test (esonero). ORAL EXAMS + VISIONE COMPITI SCRITTI Monday, June 17, 10.30am

Sessione ricupero esami orali + visione compiti scritti – lunedì 17 giugno, ore 10.30-12.30, stanza 203 sede Marco Polo/ Ex Poste

Dear students, on Monday June 17, from 10.30 to 12.30 I will be available for make-up exams (esami di ricupero) for all students who missed their oral exam appointments in the previous weeks. Please email me to confirm your presence:

Also, all students of lettorato inglese 1 & 2 who did not pass the second semester written esoneri with me are invited to see your test papers (visionare il compito scritto) in order to get a better understanding of the mistakes you made and prepare for the next exam session. If you intend to see your test paper, you must email me to confirm your presence:

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

I Year Lettorato Inglese  Full Exam (June 10,  2019)

Oral Exam Instructions

Dear students:

As you know, in this exam session, students with surnames (cognomi) in the range I – Mocanu are with me. The oral exams will be in the week of June 18 - June 21. As soon as your written exam papers have all been corrected, I WILL PUBLISH ON THIS BLOG the list of students admitted to the oral exam, along with an appointment (date and time).

Below are the instructions for the oral exam.

Each student is expected to have chosen and read a book – of approximately 250 pages – in modern standard English for this exam. This is explained in the “Guida per lo studente di lingua e traduzione inglese.” In the oral exam we will talk about the book and elements of the language/vocabulary used in the book.

In preparation, I expect you to compile a list of vocabulary words (approximately 50 words or more) you have learned by reading this book. You MUST bring the list of vocabulary words to the oral exam.

I strongly suggest you record all vocabulary words in a ‘rubrica’ so that the words are organized by their first letter. This is like compiling a personal dictionary, which you can keep to consult and review in the future. This ‘personal dictionary’ can also grow with you over time: after this exam you can continue to add new words from other sources (books you read, lettorato lessons etc.) to the same rubrica.

While reading, prepare your list of vocabulary words (choose 50 words or more) from the book you have chosen. These should be new vocabulary words you did not know before and/or important or key terms that recur in the book and are central to understanding the major themes and interpreting the messages and meanings in the text. For each vocabulary word, be sure to include the essential elements (steps a, b, c, and d).

(a) the word;
(b) the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc.);
(c) a definition or synonym(s) IN ENGLISH (use a monolingual dictionary or thesaurus);
(d) the page number where you found the word, along with an abbreviation of the book title in parentheses. E.g. page 25 of the first book of the Harry Potter series could be abbreviated as follows (pg. 25; HP1).

(e) [optional] It is also a good idea (but not mandatory) to write an example sentence using the word (you could simply copy the sentence from the book). This will help you to remember the meaning of the word by seeing it in context.
(f) [optional] Finally, if you want to also include the Italian translation, you may write it at the very end of your entry

Monday, June 3, 2019

Year Lettorato Inglese (Peterson-More) -- 2nd semester class test (esonero). ORAL EXAMS Friday, June 7, 10.00am

Below is the list of students admitted to the oral exam on Friday, June 7, starting at 10.00am

You MUST bring the following:
(1) Your reading book
(2) Your rubrica
(3) Your identification WITH PHOTO
(4) Your libretto giallo (available at Fotocopisteria Mirafiori, Facoltà di Lettere Città Universitaria)

10.00 – 11.00
Fabiano, Lorenzo
Falconi, Alessandra
Filippi, Roberta

11.00 – 12.00
Fina, Carolina
Fornara, Marta
Foscarini, Francesca

12.00 – 13.00
Francinelli, Alessandra,
Fraternale, Beatrice
Fusaro, Fabio

13.30 – 14.30
Momoli, Margherita
Ribac, Ecaterina
Sleiter, Ludovica

14.30 – 15.30
Talamba, Elena Diana
Veizi, Eniseld

Year Lettorato Inglese (Peterson-More) -- 2nd semester class test (esonero). ORAL EXAMS Thursday, June 6, 1.00pm

Below is the list of students admitted to the oral exam on Thursday, June 6, starting at 1.00pm

You MUST bring the following:
(1) Your reading book
(2) Your rubrica
(3) Your identification WITH PHOTO
(4) Your libretto giallo (available at Fotocopisteria Mirafiori, Facoltà di Lettere Città Universitaria)

1.00 – 2.00pm
Di Mascio, Valentina
Di Sante, Lorella
Dobrin, Elvis

2.00 – 3.00pm
Dragan, Alexandra
Drechevych, Olha
Fabellini, Giulia

3.00 – 3.30
Fabiani, Marta
Censi, Giulia

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Year Lettorato Inglese (Peterson-More) -- 2nd semester class test (esonero). ORAL EXAMS Thursday, June 6,  & Friday, June 7.

The remaining students admitted to the oral exam will have appointments on Thursday, June 6, & Friday, June 7, in the morning through early afternoon on both days.

Those lists will be published Monday, June 3.

For the students who did not pass the second esonero, I will also publish a time for the visione dei compiti scritti, so that you can see your tests and we can talk about the improvements you will need to make before taking the Full Exam in September.

Year Lettorato Inglese (Peterson-More) -- 2nd semester class test (esonero). ORAL EXAMS Wednesday, June 5, 10.00am

Below is the list of students admitted to the oral exam on Wednesday, June 5, starting at 10.00am

You MUST bring the following:
(1) Your reading book
(2) Your rubrica
(3) Your identification WITH PHOTO
(4) Your libretto giallo (available at Fotocopisteria Mirafiori, Facoltà di Lettere Città Universitaria)

10.00 – 11.00
Damiani, Costanza
De Sabato, Giulia
De Sena, Lisa

11.00 – 12.00
Deleonardis, Martina
Della Porta, Noemi
Dervishi, Kiara

12.00 – 13.00
Di Benedetto, Agnese
Di Filippo, Alice
Di Giosia, Lorenzo

13.00 – 14.00
Di Giovanni, Martina
Di Malta, Martina
Di Martino, Roberta

Year Lettorato Inglese (Peterson-More) -- 2nd semester class test (esonero). ORAL EXAMS Tuesday, June 4, 9.30am

Below is the list of students admitted to the oral exam on Tuesday, June 4, starting at 9.30am

You MUST bring the following:
(1) Your reading book
(2) Your rubrica
(3) Your identification WITH PHOTO
(4) Your libretto giallo (available at Fotocopisteria Mirafiori -- Facoltà di Lettere, Città Universitaria)

9.30 – 10.30
Bufano, Federica
Censi, Giulia
Chiappetta, Mattia

10.30 – 11.30
Chionne, Francesca
Cipriani, Valeria
Cipro, Alessia

11.30 – 12.30
Cittadini, Carlotta
Ciullo, Sara
Colantonio, Camilla


13.15 – 14.15
Comparone, Ginevra
Coppetti, Alessandro
Coppotelli, Paolo

14.15 – 15.15
Costantini, Carlotta
Cunanan, Jennifer
D’onofrio, Francesco