Friday, December 4, 2015

I Year Lettorato

Information about the first semester class test (“esonero”):

The test will have two main parts. The first part is based on grammar and the second is reading comprehension.

In part 1 (GRAMMAR), there are two exercises.

The first exercise consists of several sentences that you will have to read. Many of the sentences will have an error (or possibly two errors). You will read each sentence, and decide if it is completely correct, or not. Tick the sentences that are correct. Correct the sentences that are wrong. We have done many exercises like this in our coursebook, English File Digital Intermediate. A recent example is exercise 2b on p. 195.

The second grammar exercise is a CLOZE EXERCISE. This consists of a short text (approximately three paragraphs) with certain words removed. You have to complete the text by writing one word in each empty space. The words will NOT be given in a separate table; you must think and supply the missing word based on your knowledge. English File does not have exercises exactly like this, but there are many examples in the course reader (“dispensa”) for Lettorato Inglese I, which is available at the photocopy center in Villa Mirafiori.

As mentioned at our first lessons, the full title of the reader is “Materiale Didattico Anno Accademico 2015-2016 Lettorato Inglese I Extra one.” If you do not yet have the reader, make sure to get it now.

Examples of cloze exercises are on p. 5 (on the bottom half of the page), p. 18, pp. 21-22. (There are also many more examples in the reader).

In part 2 (READING COMPREHENSION) there will be a different text to read (longer than the cloze exercise) followed by reading comprehension questions to answer. The first group of questions will be related to vocabulary words in the text (you will have to match certain words to their synonyms). The second group of questions will be about the contents of the reading text, and you will have to write your answers.

A good example of the reading comprehension section is on pp. 43-45 of the “Extra one” reader.

On pp. 3-5 there is another reading comprehension exercise, but the format is different from the one on our test. However, it is still good for practice.



Before our next lesson on Thursday, December 10, please do the following exercises from “Extra one” just mentioned (in addition to the homework exercises assigned in class on Dec. 3):

- The cloze exercises on p. 5, p. 18, pp. 21-22.
- The reading comprehension on pp. 43-45.

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