Tuesday, March 29, 2016

III Year Lettorato Inglese

Our next lesson is Thursday, March 31 at the regular time.

In our last lesson on Thursday, March 24, we studied the next advertisement (after the Clorox ad) on p. 11 in the Hillan Dispensa ("Work led me up the garden path... thanks to my Henley, I haven't looked back"), and we did the accompanying worksheet on p. 12 in the dispensa.

In addition, we read pages 12-15 in the Angela Goddard text, The Language of Advertising, and compared the two advertisements on those pages. Goddard's textbook is now available at the photocopy center in Villa Mirafiori.

The homework for our next lesson on Thursday, March 31, is to read chapter twelve in the Sara Thorne textbook (pp. 293-324) and do the worksheet #3 ("Sara Thorne – The Language of Advertising") on p. 6 in the Hillan dispensa.
I Year Lettorato Inglese

Our next lesson is Thursday, March 31 at the regular time.

The homework for our next lesson is as follows:

p. 145 all (study and do the two exercises)

pp. 68-69 read the blog entries and write a similar blog entry for yourself

pp. 70-71 first do exercises a & b, then read the text, "Tchaikovsky's House," and afterwards do exercises d, e, and f

pp. 214-216 all.  

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Esame Sessione Straordinaria -- III ANNO - L.T. LINGUE E MEDIAZIONE
(anche Vecchississimo ordinamento Laurea Quadriennale - III & IV anno)

Martedì 5  aprile 2015. Ore. 11.30. Aula XIII
Presentarsi in aula al meno  un quarto d’ora prima dell’inizio dell’esame. 

Esclusivamente tramite email dal 18.marzo al 01. aprile ore 13.00  e non oltre.  

Studenti A – C: wilsonsapienza@libero.it
studenti D-M: maria.hillan@uniroma1.it
studenti N-Z: peterson.more@yahoo.com

Specificare cognome, nome, numero  di  matricola e corso  di  laurea. 

Gli studenti devono portare all'esame in forma cartacea la mail  di  conferma della  prenotazione che riceveranno, insieme al “libretto giallo”.