Wednesday, October 31, 2018

🎃🎃 Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃🎃 If you do anything to celebrate this evening, please be careful and stay safe.

Sede Marco Polo is closed tomorrow, November 1, and Friday November 2.
My lessons will resume on Monday, November 5. See you all then!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Lezioni sospese il 30 ottobre a seguito delle disposizioni della Sindaca

A seguito delle disposizioni della Sindaca di Roma, Virginia Raggi, la Sapienza sospende le lezioni in tutte le sedi di Roma per la giornata di domani 30 ottobre 2018.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Lezioni sospese il 29 ottobre a seguito delle disposizioni della Sindaca

A seguito delle disposizioni della Sindaca di Roma, Virginia Raggi, la Sapienza sospende le lezioni in tutte le sedi di Roma per la giornata di domani 29 ottobre 2018.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 1B (Peterson-More)

Dear students,

Here is the homework to complete for our next lesson on Thursday, October 25:

- Pg. 17, Read the text “The Millionaire with a Secret”
- Pg. 154, Do ALL

- Pg. 178, Read the text “Jazz in New York”; + Do exercise 3a
- Pg. 179, Do ALL

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

II Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 2E (Peterson-More)

Dear students,

Here is the homework to complete for our next lesson on Monday, October 22:

- Finish reading article “Are Siblings More Important Than Parents?”

+ Write a short summary of the article (1-2 paragraphs; 100-150 words). What is the main point or argument of this article? Concentrate mainly on the information in the article that is most important.

+ Pick out 5-10 vocabulary words or phrases you didn’t know and write them in your rubrica as follows: (1) Write the word; (2) write the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc.); (3) write a definition or synonyms in English; (4) write an example sentence or phrase using the word. The example sentence or phrase can be one that you find in the dictionary, in the reading article, or one that you invent.

- Textbook pg. 174, “Useful words and phrases” – Create entries for all 10 words in your rubric, as above

- Textbook pg. 176, complete ALL exercises

- Textbook pg. 134, study the grammar lesson. Make a note of anything you do not understand and/or that you want to ask me during our next lesson

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

II Year Lettorato Inglese

Dear students:

Our lesson today, Tuesday October 9, 13.00-15.00 will be in aula 003

Monday, October 1, 2018

III Year Lettorato Inglese  Full Exam (September 6, 2018)

Dear students:

As you know, in this exam session, students with surnames in the range 
Lemjaled -  Zuppari are with me.

Oral exams Wednesday, October 3, 3018 (cognomi L-Z)

+ Visione dei compiti Thursday, October 4, 10.30-12.30
Please note: The visione dei compiti is BY APPOINTMENT  ONLY. If want to see your exam paper, you must email me (  ) by Wednesday, October 3, to confirm your presence on October 4.

The following students with last names L-Z have passed the written exam and are therefore admitted to the oral on Wednesday, October 3, as follows:

N.B. All other students in the range Lemjaled– Zuppardi  unfortunately did not pass the written exam. (If you do not see your name listed below with an appointment time for the oral exam, it means you did not pass the written exam). In that case, I encourage you to come see your exam paper (visionare il compito), from 10.30 to 12.30 on Thursday, October 4, or another day during my ricevimento.

Longobardi, Doroty
Lotti, Linda
Macari, Giovanni

Marconi, Federica
Mattu, Andrea Francesco
Monterisi Cristallo, Anna Chiara

Napolitano, Beatrice
Parkhomenko, Alina
Purgatorio, Flavia
Vitale, Arianna

The oral exam will be held at Sede Marco Polo (ex Poste) in the sala d'anglistica

If any of you need to reschedule your exam for another day, you may email me to request a separate appointment. Please email me also if you have any questions about the oral exam, or the book you have chosen: