Friday, January 8, 2016

III Year Lettorato 1st Semester Class Test ("esonero") - results

Dear students, please find below the results of the first semester class test.

As a whole, I have been disappointed by the test results. What has been most frustrating is that so many of you did very poorly on the grammar exercise, especially since we concentrated heavily on grammar in the first semester, and because the exercise problems were all based on work you were supposed to have studied in Michael Vince's book. The specific problems on the test were very similar to ones in the exercises we studied. On the other hand, some responses in the translation section were very good, which is an encouraging sign.

In addition to checking your mark, please read the information below the list in order to prepare for the second semester.

Abdipour, Atefeh                                6
Ammoscato, Chiara                            10
Aurizi, Veronica                                  18
Barone, Valentina                               16
Bellano, Maria Grazia                         21
Bernile, Giada                                    18
Bozzelli, Giovanna Fausta                  14
Castrucci, Carola                               16
D'Agnano, Camilla                             10
De Angelis, Maria Laura                    17
De Santis, Luca                                 12
Dell'Aquila, Michele                           15
Di Tullio, Ambra                                 13
Durand Herrera, Erick                        15
Filizzola, Elisa                                     18
* Gentile, Alessia                                13
Grillo, Giuseppina                               14
Illiano, Giulia                                      16
Ingafu Del Monaco, Federica             15
Iuè, Andrea                                        13
La Porta, Valeria                                10
Leone, Elisa                                       11
Macciocca, Giulia                              12
Magnotta, Chiara                               10
Marchetti, Rosamaria                         12
* Mollica, Mara                                 15
Morgia, Martina                                 17
Mulargia, Elisa                                    13
Penta, Giada                                       11
Polito, Noemi                                     11
Pulicani, Valentina                                9
Romualdo, Martina                             17
Tagliavini, Tatiana                                19
Tozaj, Gentiana                          14


If you received less than 15/30 on the 1st esonero, you must also review intermediate level grammar. In addition to your 1st year lettorato textbooks, you should buy a good intermediate level grammar manual and do ALL of the exercises in it.

Here are some of the books I recommend:

Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press.
John Hird. The Complete English Grammar for Italian Students. Oxford University Press.
Norman Coe & Anna Amendolagine. Grammar Spectrum. Oxford University Press.

Before our course resumes in the second semester, you should all very carefully review grammar chapters 1-14 in Vince. You should also review the vocabulary chapters 1, 3 and 4. In addition I strongly suggest that each one of you confirm your knowledge of Upper-Intermediate level grammar (corresponging to II year lettorato) by doing all of the exercises in the Upper-Intermediate section of Grammar Scan. For the exercises you get wrong, check the relevant information and explanations in Michael Swan, Practical English Usage. After finishing the Upper-Intermediate section in Grammar Scan, you may move on to the Advanced section, which we started at the beginning of the first semester.

In addition to all of this grammar work, you should be reading in English as much as possible – at minimum 30 minutes every day. I suggest you get in the habit of reading an English language newspaper every day (the online versions are absolutely fine, but the paper version is probably easier to flip through to quickly find articles that interest you). For example, try The Independent ( ), The New York Times ( ), The Los Angeles Times ( ), and the BBC ( ). Another good option is to read the English section of the Corriere della Sera website ( ), composed of English translations of articles originally written in Italian. In this case you can read both the English translation and the original article (you will have to search for it on the Italian site) to get some more clues about how to write good translations.

All of this will be helpful for the second semester and the next test.

Good luck! I wish you all the best!

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