Homework assignment for Monday, March 26
- (1) Choose a topic for your oral presentation (see post above) and begin some research on it. Once you have chosen your topic, please email me to confirm. Also think about when you would like to give your presentation.
- (2) Pudney, pg. 112 translate passage 10, lines 1-4 (“La
recessione… → posto di lavoro.”); pg. 113, passage 12 (all).
- (3) Introduction to Academic English, pg. 67
all; pg. 69 study the information about compound sentences with yet, for, and
nor, including the chart; pp. 77-80 all
- (4) READING: you may have heard that Facebook is having trouble due to a privacy scandal related to the use of users’ data. As a result a “Delete Facebook” campaign has been started and is gaining popularity. Read one (or more) of the articles below and answer the following:
(a) What is Cambridge Analytica and what is its
connection to Facebook?
(b) Summarize in one or two sentences the main
points in the article (i.e. write a summary that is only one or two sentences long).
- “This Is a Slow Roll”: Silicon Valley Insiders Think That
Facebook Will Never Be the Same After the Cambridge Analytica Scandal:
- The case against Facebook:
- Mark Zuckerberg’s Reckoning: ‘This Is a Major Trust Issue’:
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