Wednesday, April 24, 2019

II Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 2E (Peterson-More)

Dear students,

The following is the homework to be completed before Monday, April 29. Complete the previously assigned homework PLUS THE ADDITIONAL HOMEWORK BELOW.

(Previously assigned in our last lesson)

English File
- pp. 224-226, all
- p. 149, Study the grammar + complete a & b

Introduction to Academic English (our writing book)
- pp. 78-80 all



- Read the first 5 chapters (from "The Brahmin's Son" through the end of "Kamala") in our reading book, Siddhartha. (Pages 1-61 in the Hilda Rosner edition).
- Make 15-20 vocabulary entries (at least) in your rubrica of new words you have discovered in our reading book.

-Translate the following sentences from Pudney (numbers 4, 7 & 8):

(#4) "Dal dicembre prossimo dovremo calcolare una diminuzione delle ore lavorative giornaliere."
(#7) "Non avresti potuto dirmi la tua vera ragione per aver rifiutato l'invito?"
(#8) "Non solo dovrebbe chiedere scusa, dovrebbe anche pagare i danni."

- Design a cloze text appropriate for lettorato 2 level as follows:

(1) Select a short newspaper or magazine article (approximately 200-400 words) written in English from a printed or online news source. If you have difficulty finding a text of this length, you may shorten a longer article by using only the first part.

(2) Copy your selected text into an MS Word file.

(3) Select 20 words from the text to be blocked out. Choose primarily grammar-based words (as opposed to vocabulary) that are relevant to the intermediate and upper-intermediate level grammar you have studied this year and last year. For example: auxilary verbs (including modals) and main verbs; definite and indefinite articles; prepositions; adjectives (including comparative & superlative forms); adverbs; phrasal verbs; gerunds; quantifiers; pronouns and relative pronouns; etc.

(4) Design your cloze text to be appropriately difficult but not impossible. If the reader's command of English is good enough, they should be able to figure out the missing words from the context.

(5) Once you have chosen the 20 words to block out, insert a blank space in the text where the word originally was. Leave enough space for a person doing the exercise to write in the missing word by hand. (Please note: all blank spaces should be of the same length; do not make short spaces for short words and long spaces for long words).

(6) PRINT OUT your cloze text and BRING IT TO CLASS on Monday, April 29.   

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