Wednesday, November 27, 2019

III Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 3C (Peterson-More):

Jennifer Pudney pp. 116-117, Passages 19-21 (previously assigned and discussed in class), suggested English translations.

Pudney Passage #19

For anyone looking to/ trying to/ who wants to buy/get/obtain arms/weapons, America is one of the easiest places to do so // one of the most wide-open markets in the world.

The large/big companies that produce arms/ The large/big arms manufacturing companies are under attack/ have been criticized for resorting to influencing/ seeking to influence powerful congressional groups in an attempt to avoid/ prevent new laws/ legislation that could limit their activities.


Pudney Passage #20

When they found the victim [of the traffic accident] he/she was still alive and conscious. // When the accident victim [of the traffic accident] was found, he/she was still alive and conscious. He/She whispered, “if [only] I had waited for the green light/ traffic light , none of this would have happened. I was going to play a tennis match in Milan. It / This was the first time I [had] made it to the finals / I [had] got to the finals / I [had] reached the finals. I thought that I was late as/since I had lost too much/ a lot of time in/before leaving because I had too many things to do /to get ready. Now I will never play again.”


Pudney Passage #21

The artist was born on August 6, 1893 and spent his childhood / his first years in London. In 1899 while still a child he moved to New York with his family where he lived until his death.// He stayed/lived there the rest of this life.// He spent the rest of his life there.

Several/ Many exhibitions of his works have been held in the US/ the United States , where he is considered a symbol of the break with tradition. //

Several/ Many exhibitions of his works have been held in the US/ the United States. He is considered a break with tradition. // His works are considered to represent a break with tradition.


Monday, November 25, 2019

OFFICE HOURS (RICEVIMENTO) Monday, November 25, from 1:00 to 1:30pm.

Dear students,

My office hours on Monday, November 25, will be only from 1:00 to 1:30pm (instead of 1:30 to 3:30pm as usual). If you had planned to come to my office, but cannot come between 1:00 and 1:30, I apologize for the inconvenience.

My next office hour will be on Thursday, November 28, from 3:00 to 4:00pm.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

III Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 3C (Peterson-More) Homework to complete before Monday, November 25

Dear students,
What follows is the homework to complete before Monday, November 25.

Pudney passages #26 & 32

Cutting Edge
p. 39 ALL

Cutting Edge Workbook
p. 21 ALL

Carefully study/review the following notes from Pudney:
2, (page 2), 13 (p. 6), 17 & 18 (pp.8-9), 21 (p. 11), 33-34-35 (pp. 14-15), pp. 56 (p. 19), 67 (p. 22), 150 (pp. 47-48);

p. 89 ALL; p. 93 GOVERNMENT TERMS;  

ALSO REVIEW AGAIN the following notes:
 4 (p.3) , 16 (p. 7), 68 (p.23),
p. 87

Reminder: Final lesson on Monday, December 2
Test on Monday, December, 9

I Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 1B (Peterson-More) Homework to complete before Monday, November 25

Dear students,
What follows is the homework to complete before Monday, November 25.

Extra 1
p. 15 ALL

English File
- p. 37, Exercise 3a

- p. 37 Exercise 4: “13 annoying things people do with their cell phones”
Read the information beneath the pictures and choose the items you think are especially annoying, plus any that you think are not important. Then write 5-10 COMPLETE SENTENCES (including a subject and verb) about the items you have chosen. Use the expressions given on p. 39, in the box (“Saying what you think is right”) on the bottom right hand corner of the page, underneath exercise 7a.
For example, you could write something like this:
“I don’t think people should talk loudly on their phones on public transport.”  
And: “It really annoys me when people….”
Or: “I don’t mind it when people….”

pp. 40-41 ALL

pp. 42-43, exercises 5a-6e ALL  

P. 139 STUDY THE GRAMMAR AGAIN + complete exercises a & b
pp. 194-197 – Make sure you have completed ALL of the exercises on these pages (previously assigned for homework) and make note of any questions you may have, so you can ask them in class.

Reminder: Monday, December 16 is the date of our first semester test!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Exam Preparation - Cloze Texts - English Lettorato 1 & 2

Dear students,
For cloze exercises, please check:
(This one is fine for lettorato 1) 
(For lettorato 2)

For additional cloze exercises and other practice activities and materials, please check:

III Year Lettorato Inglese -- Group 3C (Peterson-More):

Jennifer Pudney p. 113, Passages 12-13 (previously assigned and discussed in class), suggested English translations.

Pudney passage #12

For years the E.U. has discussed / has been discussing the problems that have arisen regarding / as a result of the political union / unification of Europe // the European political union.

Until nationalistic tendencies / ambitions / aspirations are /have been repressed, / subdued, / curbed, it is unlikely that an agreement will be reached // an agreement is unlikely to be reached.

Pudney passage #13      

According to reliable sources, [it seems] Kuwait fears another attack from / by Saddam Hussein and [therefore] is about to ask for / seek help / aid from the United States / U.S. //
Apparently / Reportedly / Seemingly Kuwait is about to ask the U.S. for aid/help , as it fears another attack from/ by Saddam Hussein.

Yesterday [right] on the eve of the anniversary of the invasion, the official newspaper published/ revealed the Saddam has/had completed / finalized / finished plans for a new/ another attempt to take over / take control/possession of the small state.